The Legend of the Goliathon


Have you heard the Legend?

The location of the Goliathon has been lost to time. An arduous journey across the galaxy awaits anyone searching for the ancient Candalonian relic. The Candalonian’s believed the wielder of the Goliathon could summon armies, erectkingdoms, or even generate whole worlds.


The Goliathon & Zaremoth 

Millions of years before Man or Cliptorgian, the Candalonians, our hot-tempered reptilian brethren, evolved. From the beginning, they acknowledged the existence of other species, but held fast to the belief that they were God’s favored race. Their proof of this was a pair of sister relics left in the universe for their exclusive use: the Goliathon and Zaremoth.

Throughout the ages, the Goliathon has been more coveted, for with it, the wielder could summon armies, erect kingdoms, or even generate whole worlds, just as God did. It is for this reason that very little is known of the mysterious counterpart, the Zaremoth. Surviving texts all reference Khandah as Zaremoth's resting place, but the Candalonian home-world’s location has been lost to time.

The arduous journey to find the Goliathon has been taken by many across the galaxy, but only one human is known to have found the relic and lived to tell the tale; the great Pirate Lord Nogylop Smith. Although he came back without the Goliathon, he did not return empty-handed, bringing an arsenal of alien ships to defend the Outer Rim: Nogylop’s Lost Armada.


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