Gah-Lee "Doc" Nemega’an


Species: Candalonian

Birthplace: Laciport

Age: Unknown

Physiology: Poisonous bite, hyper-intelligent

Affiliations: The Space Cadets


Gah-Lee Nemega’an has not revealed much of himself. I know his scientific curiosities made him a social outcast amongst his kin on Laciport. He knows more about the Goliathon than he is willing to share, and he learns at an alarming rate. He displays a particular knack for mechanics. (Technically, he is also not male, as Candalonians are hermaphroditic, but he chooses to identify as such.)

This hyper-intelligent reptilian race shared very little about their evolution or culture. Fragmented records suggest a complex social structure, lethal weaponry and advanced aerospace technology. Modern scholars agree Candalonians originally developed space travel some 60 million years ago, not long before their planet, Khandah, became unstable. Ashamed, they established a technology- free society on the untamed planet of Candalos Prime.

Socio-Economic Classification of Alien Species (SECAS)
Creature of hyper-intelligence. Extremely dangerous. Known for a genocidal and destructive mindset; impossible to coexist with.


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